Is a Beef Shank Bone Safe for Labradors

Have you entered the bone and ear giveaway from Jones Natural Chews? Well what are you waiting for?! Click here to enter!!

The Beef Shank Bone is the sturdiest bone which Jones Natural Chews sells. It's certainly not the biggest, with that prize going to the Mammoth bone lines. Here, let's compare.

The Beef Shank Bone from Jones is worth fighting for
This is the Beef Shank Bone from Jones Natural Chews. It may not look too big, but it's solid. And covered in meaty bits. And suitable for most size dogs. Naturally.
The Jumbo Bone, from the Mammoth line, is perfect for larger dogs.
See the Mammoth Bone on my shoulder? All natural. Every single one. And HUGE. But this bone is from an American cow, no coatings or extra ingredients, slow baked to perfection for perfect moisture levels. Your large breed dog wants this Mammoth Bone from Jones. And it's obviously larger than the Beef Shank Bone.

Today I'll tell you a little about the Beef Shank Bone, and tomorrow we'll see photos of dogs gnawing on the bones. Right now, all is quiet in my home. Three out of four dogs are gnawing on Beef Shank Bones, and the tiny dog is chewing an Other Ear.

Chewing up a Pig Ear from Jones Natural Chews
Gadget's mouth is too tiny for him to even think of trying the Beef Shank Bone, so he got an Other Ear from Jones. It's been at least ten minutes and I can still hear him chewing on it.

What does Jones have to say about the Beef Shank Bone?

The Shank Bone is a meaty USA beef bone from the front and back leg, and is very tough and durable. It is good for even the most aggressive chewers, to say the least, and will provide hours of chewing pleasure! Recommended for medium to large size dogs.

Patches has just abandoned her bone. I'm assuming it's because she's chewed off all the meaty parts. She's funny that way.

Silly dog chews off all the meat and leaves the bone
Patches loves to gnaw off the meaty bits on bones, another reason we love bones from Jones. The Beef Shank Bone is covered in meaty goodness.

As always, the Beef Shank Bone from Jones is 100% all natural. It's also 100% grown and baked and wrapped and everything else in the USA. And! And! The Beef Shank Bone is a single ingredient treat! Well, unless you count the meaty bits clinging to the bone as a second ingredient, WHICH I DON'T.

Meaty Beef Shank Bone
Patches, at this point, has already gnawed off part of the meat from the Beef Shank Bone. I'm grateful that none of my dogs snap or snarl when I take their treats away. Because taking this bone from a dog would be justifiable homicide in some places.

Okay, so I lied about the photos. My dogs are so into their bones that I have to share. The other thing I love about these Beef Shank Bones is that they make dogs smile. Lookit.

A happy dog is a dog with a bone from Jones
My sweet Aussie senior is smiling. She doesn't often get bones, and they make her very happy.

Please, when you give your dog a bone, monitor their chewing. I'm currently sitting in a central place in my home (yes, I work from a recliner – be jealous), and I can hear and see all four of my dogs. Three of the four are done with the bones and ear. Chewy is still working on his Beef Shank Bone. For a little dog, he sure loves a big bone. But I'm watching and listening because all bones, whether baked or raw, have the potential to splinter. The potential is not as great with Jones bones, but I still monitor.

Getting ready to demolish a sturdy Beef Shank Bone
Chewy takes his time gnawing on the bones. Mostly, I think, because he has a small mouth and tiny teeth. But he takes his bones seriously.

So go! Give your dog a bone from  Jones Natural Chews! It'll make your dog smile. Naturally. And if you haven't already, please enter our giveaway for a chance to win either the Other Ear or the Beef Shank Bone! Your dog will thank you.

Until I write again …


P.S. Check out Project for Paws post about Jones Natural Chews! They're a cool organization which helps shelter dogs, and Jones donates to their cause. Maybe you'll want to help them out?


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